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C++ Program that Converts Arabic Numerals to Roman Numerals

Name: Arabic to Roman Numerals Converter
Roman Numeral Examples: I,V,X,C,D,M
Arabic Numeral Examples: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Description: This program converts Arabic Numerals into Roman Numerals. 
As you can see in the screenshot below, you can enter any Arabic number you want. I entered number 99,999,3456, then, it displayed their corresponding Roman Numeral Format.

//Below are the Codes of the Program:
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
    char ans, ch;

       cout<< " [1] Conversion of Arabic Number to Roman Number Format\n";

   cout<< " Let's test your keyboard. Type this number [1]: ";
   cin>> ch;

        int yr, m, cm, d, c, xc, l, x, ix, v, i;

        cout<< " Enter any ARABIC NUMBER you want: ";
      cin>> yr;
       cout<<"\n In Roman Numeral Format:  ";
       for(m = 1000;yr >= m; yr -= 1000)
      for(cm = 900; yr >= cm; yr -= 900)
          {cout<< "CM";}
       for(d = 500;yr >= d; yr -= 500)
       if(yr >= 400){ cout<<"CD"; yr -= 400; }
       else {
               for(c = 100;yr >= c; yr -= 100)
      for(xc = 90; yr >= xc; yr -= 90)
          {cout<< "XC";}
       for(l = 50;yr >= l; yr -= 50)
       if(yr >= 40){ cout<<"XL"; yr -= 40; }
       else {
                for(x = 10;yr >= x; yr -= 10)
      for(ix = 9; yr >= ix; yr -= 9)
          {cout<< "IX";}
       for(v = 5;yr >= v; yr -= 5)
       if(yr >= 4){ cout<<"IV"; yr -= 4; }
       else {
                for(i = 1;yr >= i; yr -= 1)

       cout<< " Invalid input number!\n";
      cout<< endl;

      cout<< "\n\n Try Again?[y/n]: ";
      cin>> ans;
    cout<< " Thank You!\n";


   return 0;
